Blue Knights International BKLEMCLogo

Ontario Chapter XIII - Quinte
PO Box 154
Warkworth, Ont. K0K 3K0


Events & Rides
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Welcome to ONT XIII (Quinte), a division of the Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club. ONT XIII forms part of the Great Lakes Regional Conference which encompasses Canadian and American chapters bordering on the Great Lakes. We are a non-profit organization that raises funds for different local Charitable organizations. We are a family orientated motorcycle club.

The club was formed in 1986 when several members of Ontario XII (Kingston) decided to move out on their own, applied for, and received a Blue Knights Charter. At the present time we still have 3 Charter members actively involved with the Club.

Over the years the membership of the club has ranged from 30 plus members top a low of a few members in the single digits.. Presently the Chapter has approximately 20 members from many different aspects of law enforcement.

Membership is available to any Law Enforcement officer with legislated powers of arrest and has a motorcycle or intends to have a motorcycle within 6 months of joining.

You can check our local ride and activity list or you may go the G.L.R.C. Events Web Site for a list of other rides and conventions.

Stay Safe and ...

Chapter Officers

President: Karl Hennek
Vice President: Richard Hamilton
Secretary: Roger Brummell
Treasurer: Mark Wrightman
Directors: Paul Empey
Bob Douglas
Harry Burley
Ride Captain: Roger Brummell


Our meetings are held (normally) on the last Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM, usually at the Thursty Bull Rest. in Belleville.


Various Chapter Highlights


If you have a Facebook account you are welcome to join in the Blue Knights LEMC Group.  Members have joined together to share pictures, stories and generally keep each other up to date on their activities.

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Last Updated: 02 SEP 2020
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