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Welcome to the Blue Knights® Great Lakes Regional Conference which was formed about 1978. We have been on-line continuously since 1998. We are quite proud we led the way with a Conference website. Here you will learn more about 'what' we do and 'who' we do it with. Our Regional Conference joins 7 States of the United States of America and 1 Canadian Province to represent one of the largest geographical areas in the world. We virtually surround the Great Lakes!

The Blue Knights® International LEMC is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of approximately 19,500+ active and retired Law Enforcement Officers from around the world who enjoy riding motorcycles. In the Spring of 1974, several Law Enforcement Officers from the Bangor, Maine (U.S.A.) area met and formed a small local motorcycle club. Our club has since become an International Organization with about 650 chapters in 11 Conferences within 29 countries worldwide.

Thank you for visiting our website. If you are interested in joining the Blue Knights® International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc., please feel free to contact us with your information. There are no strangers in the Blue Knights®, only friends you haven't met!

General News and Information

Members Section

If you are unable to log into the members section, please ensure you have paid your annual dues to HQ. Security updates are received at least once every few months.

If you are still having trouble, contact the International Webmaster at and he may be able to help.

Conference Dues

Now Accepting PayPal

As of January 1, 2019 conference dues are $15.00.

Go to the Members section and click Dues.

Make your Chapter's Conference dues payment with a credit/debit card. This preferred method can't be lost in the mail and Canadian Chapters will not have to send a special "U.S. funds only" cheque or money order.

If paying by cheque or money order, please do not send to anyone but the GLRC Treasurer. Make payable to "Blue Knights GLRC" and mail to:

Blue Knights GLRC
PO Box 365
Middlebranch, OH 44652-0365

All Chapter Presidents should know the code to access our members only section. If you wish to vote or have a say at our conference business meetings, your chapter dues must be paid including back dated years.

You can find the Treasurer's contact information on our Contact Us page.

If you are unsure if your chapter owes for past years, check the Treasurer's report in the latest Newsletter or contact the Treasurer.


Chapter Presidents - Heaven I Book

If a member of your chapter dies it is your responsibility to report their death to Headquarters. The International President will read their name from the Heaven I memorial book, at the annual convention, and they will be listed on the Heaven I database on the Blue Knights® International LEMC website.

PLEASE click this link to report the death of one of your members, do NOT wait until next year and put a line through their name on the renewal forms.

Web Award

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Last Updated: 13 JAN 2025
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